UW-Stout Program Advisory Committee Interest

We are proud to have strong, engaged advisory committees that serve our academic programs at UW-Stout. Members of these groups provide valuable insight and guidance for our Program Directors, faculty, and students.

Composition of the Committee

  • Membership should include:
    • faculty and academic staff from across colleges
    • students
    • alumni
    • employers
    • ex-officio representatives from Student Services, Enrollment Services
    • other administrative support, as needed
  • One-year appointments are effective at the beginning of the academic year; appointments are renewable.
  • Membership is announced at the beginning of each school year by the appropriate academic dean.

Function of the Committee

  • Recommend curricular changes to the college and division.
  • Advise and assist on matters such as:
    • curriculum
    • student advisement
    • program assessment and review
    • student needs projections
    • placement prediction and job market outlook
  • Meet once each semester or more frequently as needed.

Role of the Program Director

  • Convene and chair meetings.
  • Apprise committee of program status.
  • Consult the committee on short- and long-range goals and projections for the program.
  • Recommend and present proposed changes for college divisional curricular process.
  • Furnish meeting minutes to the college dean.
  • Recommend committee membership for approval by the dean of the college responsible for the program.
  • Notify committee members of appointments.

For further information please visit: Program Advisory Committees

If interested in serving, please complete the form below.

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